Omen – Outburst
[multiple editions]
In stock and shipping next week
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It wasn't easy being an omen. The world expected you to be bad, foreshadowing doom, announcing darkness before it came. But sometimes you just wanted to be good. You wanted to lean back, open your arms, and tell the creatures you loved that everything would be just fine.
Every order of Omen – Outburst contains one exuberant omen breaking out of character in order to bring some happiness into the world. A San Diego Comic-Con exclusive in 2015, the sculpture is intended to be a good omen for your everyday life.
*Email us at after your have placed your order if you wish the donation to go to the charity or small business of your choice. If we don't hear from you within 24 hours we will make a donation equivalent to 20% of your order in your name to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank.
All pre-order shipping estimates are subject to change. We cannot guarantee an exact delivery date, but we will update you if any pre-sale information, such as the estimated delivery date, changes. Thanks for your understanding.
Use code take_20% to receive a 20% discount. If you don't use the code, we will make a donation to people in need*
It wasn't easy being an omen. The world expected you to be bad, foreshadowing doom, announcing darkness before it came. But sometimes you just wanted to be good. You wanted to lean back, open your arms, and tell the creatures you loved that everything would be just fine.
Every order of Omen – Outburst contains one exuberant omen breaking out of character in order to bring some happiness into the world. A San Diego Comic-Con exclusive in 2015, the sculpture is intended to be a good omen for your everyday life.
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